Sedikit ilmu dikongsi untuk kemaslahatan pelajar2 di luar sana...
Ada perbezaan di antara nama Melayu dan juga nama Indonesia bila diletakkan di bibliografi mengikut style APA...Sebagai contoh, seperti di bawah ini;
Sedikit ilmu dikongsi untuk kemaslahatan pelajar2 di luar sana...
Ada perbezaan di antara nama Melayu dan juga nama Indonesia bila diletakkan di bibliografi mengikut style APA...Sebagai contoh, seperti di bawah ini;
1. General rule
Enter a Malay name under the first element of the name and refer from the last element unless it is known that the bearer of the name treats another element of the name as a surname. In that case, enter under the
surname and refer from the first element.
Example; William Duncan
(Full name: William Duncan anak Ngadan)
not Duncan, William
not Ngadan, William Duncan anak
Merican, Faridah
(Surname: Merican)
not Faridah Merican
2. Filial indicators
i. Omit words or abbreviations denoting filial relationship unless consistently used by the person.
Example; Adibah Amin
(sometimes appears as: Khalidah Adibah binti Haji Amin)
Abdullah Sanusi bin Ahmad
ii. If filial relationship is shown beyond one generation, include only the first unless more are required to distinguish between names that are otherwise identical.
Example; Ali bin Ahmad
(Name appears as: Ali bin Ahmad bin Hussein)
not Ahmad, Ali bin
not Ali bin Ahmad bin Hussein
not Hussein, Ali bin Ahmad bin
3. Titles
i. Add after the name titles of honour, rank, or position that are commonly associated with the name. Refer from the direct form of title plus name.
Example; Abdul Majid bin Zainuddin, Haji
not Haji Abdul Majid bin Zainuddin
not Zainuddin, Haji Abdul Majid bin
1. Entry elements
Enter an Indonesian name consisting of more than one element under the last element of the name. Refer from the name in direct order unless the first element is a European name.
a. Compound given name.
Example; Hatta, Mohammad
not Mohammad Hatta
b. Given name plus surname.
Example; Djajadiningrat, Idrus Nasir
not Idrus Nasir Djajadiningrat
c. Given name plus father‟s name.
Example;Nasution, Amir Hamzah
not Amir Hamzah Nasution
d. Given name plus clan name.
Example; Purbatjaraka, Purnadi
not Purnadi Purbatjaraka
e. Balinese name.
Example; Djelantik, I Gusti Ketut
not I Gusti Ketut Djelantik
not Gusti Ketut Djelantik, I
not Ketut Djelantik, I Gusti
f. Balinese name containing an element indicating seniority of children.
Example; Ginarsa, Ktut
Not Ktut Ginarsa
g. Married woman‟s name; last element may be the husband‟s or the father‟s name.
Example; Sani, Sitti Nuraini
not Sitti Nuraini Sani
2. Names entered under the first element
Enter the following categories of names under the first element of the name. Refer from the last element. If that element is an initial, refer also from the next to the last element.
a. A name consisting of a given name followed by an element denoting filial relationship (e.g. bin, binti, ibni) plus the father‟s name.
Example;Abdullah bin Nuh
not Nuh, Abdullah bin
b. A name that may be as one word or as separate words and that begins with one of the following elements: Adi,Budi (Boedi), Joko (Djoko), Karta, Kusuma (Koesoema),Mangku (Mangkoe), Noto, Prawira, Pura (Poera), Sastra, Sri,Surya (Soerya, Surja, Suria), and Tri. If the name of particular person sometimes appears as one word and sometimes as separate words, use the one-word form.)
Example;Adi Waskito
not Waskito, Adi
c. A name containing an initial or abbreviation as the last element.
Example;Djakaria, N.E.
not E., Djakaria N.
3. Names consisting of given name(s) plus adat title
a. Enter a name that includes one or more of the terms gelar (sometimes abbreviated as gl. or glr.), Daeng, Datuk, or Sutan under the element introduced by such words. Refer from the name in direct order.
Palindih, Rustam Sutan
not Rustam Sutan Palindih
4. Names containing place names
Enter a name consisting of personal names followed by a place name under the element preceding the place name. Treat the place as an integral part of the name.
Abdullah Udjong Buloh
5. Names of Chinese origin
Enter a name of Chinese origin that follows the normal Chinese order (surname first) under the first element of the name. Refer from the last element of the name.
Lim, Yauw Tjin
(Name appears as: Lim Yauw Tjin)
not Tjin, Lim Yauw
Sources:American Psychological Association .(2001). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington DC: American Psychological Association
Sebagai pelajar kita perlu memahami dan dapat membezakan cara penggunaan yang betul dan tepat supaya mengikut spesifikasi dan format dari universiti kita belajar. Ini adalah amat penting bagi memastikan kajian kita berkualiti. Sekian terima kasih
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